Center Ice Skating Club - Membership Information
The Board of Directors of the Center Ice Skating Club (hereinafter the “Club Board”) reserves the right to modify the season schedule or to change the restrictions on who is permitted to skate during any particular session at any time throughout the Season for any reason.
Club Sessions – Club sessions are 30 minutes in length. There will be 10 Club sessions each week (except on dates noted above and subject to rink changes).
Club Season – The Club season will run for 32 weeks. The season will begin on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 and conclude on Saturday, May 1, 2021. There will be no club on Nov. 25-28 and Dec 22 - Jan 2 and subject to rink changes.
Club Structure –All sessions will continue to be as they have been in the past to include any figure skating discipline. Keep safety in mind at all times and during all sessions.
Contracted Ice – The minimum basic membership requires 120 total sessions of ice time. Additional sessions may be contracted up to the maximum 10 sessions each week. The contract that the skater and parent(s) sign at the beginning of the season commits you to that number of sessions and total money due for the season. The skater is not required to contract for a specific day or session. Contracted sessions may be used at the discretion of the skater. If a skater uses all contracted sessions before the end of the season, additional sessions may be purchased. Payment for the additional sessions is due at the time they are purchased. Sessions are non-transferable to another skater and cannot be transferred to the following season. Requests for refunds or contracted payment waivers will be considered for medical reasons only and must be accompanied by a medical doctor’s recommendation on appropriate letterhead.
Fundraising – All Full Club members are required to participate in fundraising activities and contribute $250 in Fundraising sales. If a member does not want to participate in fundraising activities or is not able to reach the $250 through fundraising programs, the $250 (or balance) will be contributed in cash. Associate Members are also required to contribute (or pay) $250 in fundraising if they intend on being in either the Winter or Spring show. Fundraising must be completed (paid) by April 15, 2021.
Make up Sessions – There will be no make-up sessions. Skaters are permitted to allocate their contracted sessions at their discretion. Any unused sessions (contracted or those purchased later in the season) cannot be used into the following season or transferred to another skater.
Coaching – Club membership covers only your ice cost and does not include any coaching services. Coaching will be contracted with the individual coaches and payment is made directly to them. Arrangements for private lessons are to be made directly with the professionals.
Ice Monitors- Vouchers are awarded to parents who offer up their time to work as ice monitors. One voucher will be awarded for every 4 sessions monitored. *Remember since ice monitors receive vouchers, this job does not count as volunteer hours also.
Parent Participation – Parents are required to volunteer at least (3) hours during the club season. Volunteer hours not completed will be charged to the skater’s account at $25 per hour ($75 for all 3 hours). Volunteers run the Club and its success takes work from everyone.
Registration Fee – 100% of the Registration Fee is due with the application. It covers the Cleveland Council fee per skater and Club administrative charges, including Club business, legal fees, copying fees, postage, etc.
**The Registration fee for the first Full Club Member in the family is $90. The Registration fee for the second Full Club Member is $70
Payments -Follow the payment schedule, or late fee of $25 may be applied to your account.
Additional Family Member Discount - Families with more than one child registered as Full Club Members will receive a 25% discount off the minimum basic membership price for the second child. Both skaters must be registered for at least the minimum basic membership of 120 sessions for the season. The 25% off discount will apply to only the minimum basic membership price of the second skater and does not apply to any additional sessions that are purchased for the second child.
Membership Cards – On the first day of the Club Season, membership cards will be issued for each skater. Each card will indicate the number of sessions that the respective skater has contracted for the season. Ice Monitors will deduct sessions from the cards as they are used by skaters. Membership cards will remain with the Ice Monitors at all times to prevent them from being lost or misplaced. If the initial membership card is used up prior to the end of the season, skaters may purchase additional sessions which will be added to their card and the monitor will continue to deduct sessions as used. Multiple sessions can be pre-purchased by a full club member at a discounted rate of $8.50/session. For convenience, Associate Club Members may also pre-purchase a card for multiple sessions at a discounted rate of $9.00/session. Any sessions that have not been used are not able to be transferred to another skater or transferred to the following season.
Walk-on charges per session – All ice session times are run by the Club. Sessions can be purchased in half-hour increments. Walk on charges will be $10.00 per session regardless of membership type. ALL walk-on money is to be paid to the ice monitor.Exact cash or checks made payable to Center Ice Skating Club. All walk-on ability is on a space available basis only. Ice will be limited to 24 skaters maximum following the priority of: 1- Full Club Member, 2-Associate Member, 3-Non-member.
Collegiate Member/Skater – College students that were a past Full Club member who register for this season as a Full Club member are not required to fundraise or contract ice time. They will be able to pre-purchase ice sessions at the member discounted rate or walk-on at the walk-on rate (space permitting) and retain all benefits of Full Club Members.
Competition/Testing – Please review each competition/testing application carefully. The rules can change from competition to competition. It is the responsibility of the skater/parents to get all needed forms signed. Testing forms need to be signed by a Board Officer or Test Chair. Testing forms will need a Member in Good Standing form which can be obtained from the Test Chair or from the Club web site.
All required forms must be submitted for each skater separately. Their information cannot be combined onto one set of forms.
Discipline/Misconduct – Please refer to the Center Ice Skating Club Code of Regulations and Bylaws (hereinafter the “Bylaws”), Article VIII, Section I, Code of Conduct for Parents and Code of Conduct for Skater CISC Electronic Policy, and Conflict Resolution Policy for details.